There are a variety of ways to consume hemp flower.
The most common is simply smoking. You can choose to use rolling papers or smoke it out of any variety of pipe or glass. You can also use a dry-herb vaporizer, which is technically not a form of smoking. You can select a temperature to vaporize at and the device will heat it up to a point below incineration so that you are not actually inhaling any smoke. Different cannabinoids (CBD, THC, CBD, etc) will vaporize at different temperatures, so you can research which cannabinoids you want to target and set your temperature appropriately.
Another popular method is infusing your favorite cooking oils/dressings, massage oil, butter or even making your own full spectrum CBD oil tinctures with the cannabinoids found in CBD-rich hemp flower. First, you have to decarboxylate your hemp flower to get the full effects. In the raw form, cannabinoids are in their acid forms. The process of smoking causes decarboxylation automatically during the process of combustion, you can replicate this without smoking. For the purpose of infusing oils or butter, an easy and common method to “decarb” your flower is using your oven. You can preheat an oven between 240-250 degreed Fahrenheit. You may then finely grind your hemp flower and spread it evenly over a baking sheet. Place it on the middle rack of your oven and bake for about 45 minutes. Following this, you can use a double boiler method or crockpot on a low setting to combine your “decarbed” flower with your oil of choice. You should let this steep for approximately two hours. You may then strain out the plant material and you should be left with an infused oil. Dosage will vary depending on the strain of hemp flower.